You ever had a friend you could count on in a pinch? Well the GS14 is that. It can pretty much cover all your needs and is tough as nails. Heat, cold, dust/dirt, and water don’t phase it. We even used it as a paddle while canoeing, just ’cause we could.
From checking into control, to boundary measurements, to topos, and more.
If you thought Chuck Norris was tough, then you haven’t met the GS14. Extreme temperatures, heavy dust, dirt, and being fully submerged in water, doesn’t phase it.
If there is one thing Surveying has to rely on the most, it would be reliability and consistency of measurements. That is exactly what SmartTrack was developed for: assuring an accurate signal for best data quality that consistently supports you in any environment.
In order to squeeze such tremendous performance out of this compact form factor, we needed to find new ways to push technological bounds. Our industry-unique antenna design was one of them.
99.99% Reliability
In a surveyor’s world, double and triple checking work is part of everyday life. Knowing that the measurements are correct is everything. By validating your RTK, SmartCheck assures consistent measurements.
There is no better way to see if this is the tool for you than to take it for a test-drive yourself. So contact us for a demo or rent one for your next job.
It puts you in the driver’s seat, allowing you to define a tolerance for measurements dependent on your requirements, allowing you to get solutions in the toughest of spots.
Be inspired by the success of other surveyors and discover how to maximize quality, efficiency and productivity.
Companies often can get lost in the race to add features while forgetting about the most important element, you. With Captivate, we focused on bringing back the human side to technology.