Video: What Makes the GS18I Different from Other Sensors?

Other GNSS sensors in the past have offered imaging capabilities, but the GS18I uses a different approach that provides remarkable results.
The Leica GS18 I is different from other sensors with imaging because of the true merge technology, or sensor fusion—the seamless integration of the IMU, GNSS and imaging sensor. Where previous imaging sensors have captured static images, the GS18 I provides a dynamic solution. This looks very much like the visual inertial system (VIS) technology that is used in the Leica RTC360 laser scanner to position the sensor. With the GS18 I, a similar approach is used to identify objects from one image to the next.
Watch the video to learn more.

Note: This video clip is from a webinar presented Sept. 17, 2020. Watch the whole webinar here: