Video: A High-Speed Workflow for RTK GNSS to CAD Deliverables

Leica Geosystems’ Andrew Gillis and MicroSurvey’s Kailey Graves show how to seamlessly integrate a top-line rover with MicroSurvey CAD.

State-of-the-art RTK rovers include tilt compensation, and the most advanced system, the Leica GS18 I, also offers photogrammetric data capture while retaining centimeter-level accuracy. But a mispairing of field tools with in-office software can adversely affect productivity gains if transferring and editing survey data into CAD software becomes a tedious chore. And additional capabilities on a rover, however useful, may only increase workflow complications if the new tool isn’t compatible with your software.

So does pairing the GS18 I and MicroSurvey CAD pass the ease-of-use test?  

Using GNSS data from a topographic survey at Fort Anne National Historic Site, Kailey Graves from MicroSurvey demonstrates how easily data flows from the GS18 I into MicroSurvey CAD. With easy import for .DBX files into MicroSurvey CAD and a field-to-finish system that combines the best of MicroSurvey CAD AutoMap and Leica feature codes, efficiency in the field and the office can grow together.

Watch the video to learn more.

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