Jason Ellis explains how the new Leica Pegasus TRK mobile mapping system provides a giant leap forward in efficiency.
Imagine being able to exponentially increase your transportation engineering surveys with your existing team.
No tracking down new reality capture experts for data collection. No bottlenecks for data processing in the office. No gaps or errors in the data. Just one seamless, efficient workflow supervised by a single project manager with complete confidence in the results.
What would you do with all the time recaptured from consolidating multiple processing steps into an autonomous operation?
Grow your business by taking on new work? Give your employees more time with their families? Innovate your deliverables to give your clients more value?
According to Jason Ellis of Leica Geosystems, the latest innovation in mobile mapping brings all these benefits within reach. “The TRK is a complete reimagination of mobile mapping,” he says. “There’s a lot of intelligence built into the system that really minimizes the spectrum of things most people are used to having to deal with every day in mobile mapping. The idea of being able to cut out huge chunks of the workflow to get to the results much faster is absolutely going to have an impact—it’s a massive timesaver.”
A few capabilities that stand out to Jason:
Onboard SLAM – Simultaneous localization and mapping capability (SLAM) enables a technology to map an environment while at the same time using the map to determine its own location. “The TRK uses SLAM in real time, while we’re collecting, to improve our trajectory quality. The intelligence that’s built into the system takes the tedious tasks out of technicians’ hands, such as system calibration and quality control checks on the trajectory.”
Simplified preplanning – “When you move into the area of a project that you’ve preplanned for a collection, the system autonomously starts recording the data. This means that a single operator can take the system out in the field with a predefined plan, and the system will intelligently collect the data and direct the driver on where the operator needs to turn next to make sure that the entire plan is covered during the collection. It’s incredible.”
Streamlined data processing – “With the TRK, and specifically, Leica Pegasus OFFICE, we are completely eliminating multiple processing steps. We’re using the intelligence of the system to know what has been done and what needs to be done, and it’s a very simple left to right workflow in the interface. You’re working with a low-density version of the point cloud, so processing times are through-the-roof fast; you can really work with large datasets very quickly through the entire process. And then on the tail end, when you’re satisfied with the results, there’s a simple ‘densify point cloud’ option, and you end up with your high-res final output.”
Watch the video for more insights.
To talk to one of our experts and learn more about mobile mapping or other ways to optimize your surveying potential, please contact us.