Why did Craig and Brian join Leica Geosystems? What trends are they seeing? And what insights do they have on the latest technology? Tune in to The Geoholics Episode 236 to find out.

Join Patrick Crawford, GISP, in this on-demand session to learn how Leica CloudWorx for Revit can help you accelerate the creation of building information models from reality capture.

Join Seth Gulich in this on-demand session to learn a lightning-fast way to create survey deliverables that are loaded with detail.

Senior Reality Capture Product Manager Michael Harvey delves into the most meaningful reality capture developments, the biggest challenges, and exciting new opportunities in this intriguing Tech Insider interview.

Did anyone stump the Leica Geosystems reality capture trainers in the live, interactive Q&A session? Watch the on-demand recording and take away new skills that will help your productivity soar.

Join Adam Westfall in this on-demand session to learn how to improve and accelerate your reality capture workflows in Cyclone FIELD 360 3D laser scanning data collection software.

Reality capture consultant Patrick Crawford, GISP, reflects on his journey through the geospatial industry and what it takes to build a successful career.

Reality Capture Consultant Eric Cowan shares insights on top surveying trends in this intriguing interview.

Join Eric Cowan in this on-demand session to explore key considerations for evaluating and applying this fast, flexible reality capture technology.